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The current proposals also involve the redevelopment of the brownfield former Quaker Meeting House site to accommodate new residential apartments.


Taking the form of a landmark 7 to 9 storey development, the scheme would provide an additional 58 residential apartments. These apartments will be managed by Jomast as ‘private rented’ residences and comprise 1-bed and 2-bed apartments. There will be opportunities for commercial and leisure uses on the lower floors of the building.

The design for the new residential development seeks to use brick as a prominent material, to complement both the adjacent buildings on Jesmond Three Sixty and the surrounding Jesmond street scene. To the west of the former Quaker Meeting House will be a new outdoor courtyard, providing an area of attractive public realm and enhancing the permeability of the estate for those travelling to and from Jesmond Metro Station.

Proposed Residential Development ©GT3

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Elevations ©GT3

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